Quinte Homebuilders' Association Code of Ethics
As a term of membership, all members of the Quinte Home Builders' Association solemnly promise and subscribe to uphold the following Code of Ethics:
(a) Members of the Quinte Home Builders' Association believe and affirm that:
- Home ownership by Canadian families should be encouraged;
- Canadian homes shall be well designed, well constructed and well located in attractive communities with educational, recreational, religious and shopping facilities accessible to all;
- Canadian homes shall be built under the free enterprise system.
and further,
(b) Members of the Quinte Home Builders’ Association shall ...
- Plan their projects to conform to the principles of good community planning and support for the environment.
- Deal justly with their employees, subcontractors, and suppliers of all goods and services.
- Deal honestly and fairly with their customers and stand behind the quality of their work and service commitments.
- Exchange information and experience, and encourage research on materials, technical advancements and building techniques in order to provide the best value for their customers.
- Avoid all conduct or practice detrimental to the land development and building industry, to the Association, to the good name or reputation of any of its members, or its customers.
- Commit to continuous learning through human resource policies and practices, including employment practices which treat employees as assets.
- Actively promote health and safety principles and comply with the occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA)
- Comply with applicable building codes of Canada as a minimum standard for construction and shall work toward its improvement in the interests of structural sufficiency, safety and health
- Treat their competitors, including their property and ideas, with respect.
These responsibilities are freely and solemnly assumed as they form part of an obligation as members of the QHBA, OHBA and CHBA.